Access to Experts for You & Baby
When you join the BEB TinySteps family, you get access to preemie experts who specialize in skin & mindful touch development. You can connect with BEB TinySteps Baby Experts via webchat, email, or video chat.
Savings from BEB Organic
Only BEB TinySteps Program members get access to their own exclusive 25% off discount valid for baby’s first year out of the hospital on all and any BEB products.
By using or continuing to use BEB Organic products, especially the Bubbly Wash, after baby’s NICU stay, we can help ensure that preemies are not exposed to endocrine and nervous system disruptors, and drying, damaging surfactants as they continue catching up at home.
Weekly Tips for Preemie Parents
We have tips, guidance and more made just for you and your little one! Tell us a little about your baby when you sign up for BEB TinySteps and receive personalized content throughout your journey.
Gifts & Discounts from BEB Brand Friends
You and your little one will love some of the surprises we have in store for you once you sign up for BEB TinySteps. Get access to exclusive discounts from other preemie approved brand friends and special gifts to help make the first year home special.